Wednesday, February 18, 2009

winter fun

Oh how fun it is to play in the snow!

We had a great time in the snow with our grandson Korben. We only get to see him a few times a year, but we sure do have a terrific time when we get together. He is such a loving kind child.
We love him so much, and think he is a pretty neat kid!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

One Beautiful Lady Started All Of This

Today was the day I said goodbye to my dear sweet Grandma Warren. I love this lady so much. I remember when I was a little girl and I would sit and play on her kitchen rug while she made bread. She would always let me make my own little loaf. I would roll little balls together and place them in a small meat pie tin and she would read to me in her rocking chair there in her kitchen as it baked. I always loved going to her home. I wish that I would have taken the time to have her teach me to make bread, hers was the best.

When I was in second grade I had to have my appendix taken out and could not go tho school for several weeks. I stayed with Grandma while my parents worked. She made me a bed on her couch, she was always real careful to get the sheet on just right so it would not bunch up under me. I had a tutor that came there everyday to school me. Grandma always made us a snacks, I never wanted to go back to school, just wanted to have my special school at Grandmas all to myself.

Grandma loved her high heels! I remember her ironing her dish towels and sheet in her pumps. Wow! how times have changed. My mom always told her to take them off she, was going to fall down and break her neck in them. I think my Mom was just jealous of Grandma, because they always hurt her feet when she wore them.

Grandma always told me stories about her growing up. As she told me her stories of when she was younger her eyes would light up and she would get so excited. She had the cutest little laugh.

She loved the gospel and had a strong testimony of Christ. She would always remind me to say my prayers and that if I had faith everything would be alright.

Grandma always came to all of the family events that we had, she loved her family and always told each of us how proud she was of each of them. I think at times it upset some of them because she bragged so much about the others that they thought that she was never listening to them. But I know as soon as they left she would be bragging about them to the next one that came to see her.

Grandma loved to learn. When she started to get older like in her 80's she started to read anything that she could get her hands on. She would study the dictionary and practice writing because she never wanted to loose her mind. When I would visit she would have me quiz her. She did quite well and never really lost it.

Oh how she wanted to pass from this life. She has been ready for a few years and as each one of her sisters passed on she would say "I hope they don't forget about me and come for me real soon. She missed her family. Grandma favorite color was pink, I hope that there is a lot of pink things in Heaven because I know that is right where she is at. Till we meet again...... I love you Grandma

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Keep the light on!

Last night was "New Beginnings" for the young women. We have some of the greatest singers in the state right here in Mapleton 2nd ward. There were several girls that sang solo's for the program and they all did a terrific job. The message that was given was that darkness can not be where there is light. How true that statement is. When I keep the light of Christ in my life the things that could be very dark seem to have no power over me. That being said, I will look for light in all things.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Father

Yesterday was my Dad's birthday. I can not believe how fast time goes by. He pasted away from cancer 3 years ago. I remember his last days fighting so hard to stay in this world. Our family had been estranged for several years and when Dad got sick it brought us together. We had 6 months to get to know each other and to share our love. This has been one of the biggest blessings of my life. I prayed almost everyday for 20 plus years that something would happen that would bring us back together as a father and daughter. Even though cancer took his life it also gave his life back to him. I finally got to meet the Dad I never had. As soon as he was diagnosed he never had another drink or cigarette again. He became sober. He was always a kind and loving person even though he drank constantly he was never mean or violent. Dad drank to calm the demons he had with in, and distanced himself from us so we would not have to watch. He would do anything for anyone, he would let the homeless live with him so they didn't have to live on the streets. He gave everything he had to anyone who asked for it. One night when I was little I remember him coming home from the bar and had given a guy the shirt off his back because they guy said he liked it.
For Dad's birthday us kid's decided to give him the greatest gift of all. We had his Temple work done! What a blessing it was to be there and witness this amazing event. Alan was the proxy for my Dad. I am grateful that I have a loving worthy husband who would stand in for a man that I love so much and assist him in being a eternal family. We were able to have Dad sealed to his parents. I know that there is a wonderful celebration taking place right now. Happy Birthday Dad,I will always love you. Sherri